Thursday, March 14, 2019

Emotional social blackmailing

emotional social blackmailing

          That was my article on social emotional calling published in local Marathi newspaper. Here I am referring the subject and posting about it . There are many groups around us on social media . The whatsapp, instagram , Twitter , facebook and many others on line. There are offline tools too like newspapers , brouchers , books etc . There are audios and  videos too ! This is a large group available to the social blackmailers who showers us emotionally on certain issues favourable to them . Nobody knows when it started exactly but when few people wanted to use the mob for their own benefits , the idea of social calling must have been borned ! It is a world wide theory. It has implemented by many cunning people who wanted to rule over the common people . Few goes to the extent of brain washing even ! It is a social brain wash to change an idea fully !

               Social calling make the people to behave as few people want them to .There are slogans or songs or ideas used to change the masses' mind . It is a capturing of minds to rule over them and make them do what the idea owner or a group of few people want . Generally, human beings failed to the bad side or thoughts very quickly than the good ones . This is the point which has been used by the bad social callers in particular . There are good social callers too , but their social impact is slow as the acceptance of good is slow by the society . Hence , I am speaking about the bad callers in particular . The rullers ,  religion and the business have utilized this idea mostly to make a change which they want to happen . Many times selfishness is behind it . 

             In social calling , many times , few imaginary things or concepts are used to compel the society at large to accept what few people want . God, ghosts , dreams have been used . Also , few times, history or great historical personalities have been used to change the feelings of the common public . These are the things which rule the public mind at very large extent and the public generally accept what the other people want them to do . Lots of emotions are utilized and mixed to control the minds of many people at a time . This is not good for our society as some social terrorist try to destroy the good things in our world . We must be alert not to fail to such emotional social callers.