Monday, March 8, 2021

Dagadusheth Halvai Ganpati moved

 Do you believe ? Can it happen ? 

I have posted some unrevealed things which I see sometimes. Three days before I was making molish to my Mrs.'s injured foot. Suddenly, the idol of Dagadusheth Halvai Ganpati at Pune flashed in my eyes. Lord Ganpati came out from the head of idol as very young child Ganpati. He was flying in the air and moving slowly towards the East north direction from the idol. The view was for few seconds there and then the link broke. I was out of that and could see the natural real things before me.

What is lying ahead...? 

 I don't know what is lying ahead ...what shape will the time element take ....may be good or may be bad....may be something will happen or may not happen at all, but the seen is there....
