Tuesday, April 7, 2020

I saw it

I was in the big jungle ....

 I saw it...On Monday , the 06th March, 2020 , I was just lying on the bed an hour after taking lunch. Suddenly, a scene started in my closed eyes. I was in the big jungle , may be of Himalaya. Ten to twelve feet away from me, there was a big tree in the middle of with the square of cement concrete built around it. There was a small circle just around the tree where the soil can be seen. The square had a faint green color. It must have been colored few years before. On that square, strongly built huge man with lots of hairs on his body was seated. He was completely naked. He was tied with big iron chains . He was trying to move his hands and there was something in his eyes that I didn't understand. Probably telling to relieve him. But I was not able to guess it. His brown body color was looking impressive on that green background of the jungle. I noticed that , one of the corner of bushes was becoming more green and lively. At that time suddenly the link broke. I tried to relink , but failed. After that I came out of the bed. I told my wife about the scene I saw . My wife knows about my previous links with such unknown scenes , which can't be understood quickly but have some relationships with the future incidents. She thought that I might have came into contact with one of the yatis in Himalaya. I thought that was something to do with the origin of corona virus or with the medicine of the corona virus, which the world is so intensely looking at. If anybody has the similar experience or come to know about the meaning of the scene, please comment in the comments box of this blog. For people who knows Marathi, I have mentioned the above scene in one of the posts on my Marathi blog named onlydevidas. Please click the link here Onlydevidas to go there....

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