Monday, October 28, 2019

Power of common man

Where is the COMMON MAN'S POWER  ?

                In India, the expectations of a common man are on the rise . Some movements of people have given a ray of hope for a common man in India. This is a very very clear picture of public awareness .
             The scams, corruption, poverty, rising prices, increasing sex scandals and rapes, unemployment, underdevelopment, and many other evils were worsening the national situation. It looked like these things are not controllable anymore. It was said that nothing can be done now. Nobody could say where this land of Swami Vivekanand is leading to !  It was also said that there are solutions but there is no political will to do anything for the betterment of Indian common man. In fact, the problems of common man are still the same. Solutions are far ahead. But the scene is changing at an alarming speed.
                The emergence of a new political party in delhi was actually shocking for those who thought that common man can not do any wrong to them and the power they have got . They thought that they were the kings for ever !  But, the common man is the most important . That is why the matter is not limited to Delhi now. The common man has pushed it to national level. Actually the change in common man's attitude towards the nation has shocked the kings and the kingmakers of the political power. Suddenly they have started to take common man into consideration. In fact, common man knows the fact behind it and let us hope that he is not going to be deceived one more time !
    What has changed is the role of a common man in this country. He was taken for granted for a long long time. In fact, it was a mistake of a common man, who was thinking his problems rather than the national problems. Life beyond himself or his family life i.e. a national life was nowhere in his sight. Nobody was thinking as an Indian. The lack of national attitude of the common Indians as a whole has caused the present Indian conditions. As the attitude of a common man towards nation is changing , it seems that the political will towards common man has to change accordingly. Let us hope that the Indians keep it up and make fresh things in a very near future.


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